Monday, May 9, 2011

Week 15: Ending with the Beginning in Mind!

Well, we have reached the end of another semester.  My favorite thing about the end of the semester is to look at the blogs/work of the students who seemed most afraid of this class or technology only to discover that their work is often of the highest quality.  My goal was to teach everyone the value of technology in education as a medium of instruction and to empower the student to have the confidence that she/he could facilitate this type of instruction in the classroom.  I can tell you that I believe that each of you can be that type of teacher if you so choose.  So, for that thank you!

This Week:  On to my least favorite part of the semester: TaskStream ;-)  I would like everyone to take a collective breath, hold it . . .now let it out.  When you are writing your narratives, think about how you would explain to a principal what you created, how you created it, and then discuss why your creation (artifact) meets the NETS-T.  Easy, right?  Anyway, in class this week you will be peer reviewing each others' blogs and completing the emerging technology checklists.  I will be consulting with each of you individually on your TaskStream narratives and give you feedback in the moment as to how complete the narratives are.  If you haven't finished writing your narratives, you will spend the majority of the class time writing. 

Please don't forget to complete the online professor evaluation.  I definitely use the feedback I receive to make the course better for students!

This Week's Question:  What is the best thing you will take away from this course?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 14: Are you a Tortoise or a Hare?

It appears that we are finally reaching the end of the semester.  If all things are right in your world, then you need only to finish your iMovie PSA project and write the final narratives for NETS-T 3-5.  If all things are not right in your world, then you are behind and have a lot of catching up to do.  I have graded and regraded everything except the Google Sites on cybersafety for Monday's class and will have everything graded for Thursday's class before class on Thursday.  For the Google Sites, please tell me who is in your group and what specific page(s) you worked on to make it easier for me to assess.  Also, please go back through your assignments to ensure you have received credit for your work.  If you have not, read my comments and resubmit any missing work ASAP (for Thursday class, give me a couple days to finish re-grading).

This Week:  We will be finishing the iMovie projects and ensuring you can embed them on your blog.  Bring your emerging tech checklist so I can help you with any work you need to get on your blog.  I will also go over the final NETS narratives and discuss which artifacts are going where (CLICK HERE to get access to some student samples).  Remember, my goal for next week is to have everyone finished with his/her TaskStream narratives completed and ready to discuss with me in class.  Ideally, when you leave class next week,  you will be finished with the course (he says with high hopes and fingers' crossed).

If you need extra help, please, please, talk to me and schedule a time to meet either this week or next.  I can make myself available, but I am not willing to work harder than my students are at their work ;-)

This Week's Question:  What has been your favorite assignment in this class and why?