Monday, April 18, 2011

Week 12: Finding Inspiration

photo from website
Holy Cow, we are 75% complete with the course!  We should have a normal schedule for the rest of the semester and, if you have been able to keep up, your last few weeks should be much easier than the beginning of the semester.  We only have a few new assignments and your last three TaskStream narratives!

This Week: I will introduce Inspiration, a very cool "visual thinking tool" that you will use to brainstorm the final artifacts for your NETS narratives!  I also thought it would be a great time to ensure that your blogs are in order (get out that emerging technology checklist!  Click Here to see a good sample from last semester), and I can help you complete your cybersafety Google Sites.  Next week, we will learn how to use iMovie to create a PSA (public service announcement) for CSUSM.  I believe it will be the last new assignment.

Journals 6-10:  I have extended the deadline to April 23.  Don't forget that journal 10 is extra credit and it must be submitted on time to receive the extra points!  You may search the L&L archives to find an interesting article or search the web to find an article relating to technology and education.  Remember to use the Citation Machine to get the proper APA citation.

This Week's Question: What has been your most challenging assignment in this class so far, and why?


  1. Before I prepared my Prezi I was overwhelmed. But the tutorial was great, and half way thru the assignment I was actually having fun! It's my favorite tool so far, and I'll definitely use it again.

  2. My NETS narrative. I love fluff and enjoy throwing it into my sentences, especially when writing papers. In that being said, it was difficult for me to just give my answer without trying to sprinkle some magical lit dust on the narrative.

  3. I think the Prezi was the most difficult, just because learning a new tool takes a lot of time. But, after playing with it for a little while I found it fun and now I'm using it for another presentation in a different class. :)

  4. My NETs narrative were pretty hard. It was so new to me. Once I saw the example it all click and was a breeze to write.

  5. Creating my NETS-T narrative has been the toughest assignment for me. I think it's because the tool I used was much more complex when it came to explaing how I had used it.At least from my point of view.

  6. Going through all of the websites and trying to learn how they work. At first it is just over my head but takes a moment to learn. Also my Prezi and NETS-T is pretty hard too.

  7. Definitly the Nets-T narrative has been the most challenging assignment so far.

  8. The PLN and the Journals not because of toughness, but because of the time that must be invested in them.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. NETS-T narrative!! I know you just want ALL of us to have the PERFECT portfolio!

  11. PLN and Journals (much like Brianna) because of the time commitment, rather than actual difficulty.

  12. I think the entire class has been very challenging with so much information that will help us educate the future minds of tommorow

  13. I think the crossword puzzle was the most challenging so far. There were a lot of elements you had to pay attention to.

  14. The most difficult assignments have been the journal and Prezi presentation. They both time consuming and the presentation took a while to come up with the content, not just the design.

  15. I would say the NETS narrative so far. I think I was just over-thinking it and making it harder than it is.

  16. The NETS Narrative was very hard for me to wrap my head around. I think this was the most difficult for me so far.

  17. My most challenging assignment was Diigo!

  18. For me the most challenging assignment has been the PLN one. It took me forever. I was struggling to get connected and participate in the chat on twitter.

  19. The Nets Narrative was challenging just because I wasn't quite sure how to write it. Also, the PLN was hard because there was so much involved.

  20. I was really confused with the NETS Narrative. I didn't know what was going on, and I felt really lost going into it. I didn't fully understand the assignment until like, last week. The beginning of the semester was actually really challenging for me, but now I am getting a hang of it.

  21. I think the most challenging assignment was developing my PLN!! There were so many steps and Twitter was (and still is) a challenge to me : (

  22. NETS-T narrative! I also struggled with the journals because they are so time consuming

  23. Like many of the other students, I feel that the NETS narrative was pretty hard for me. I felt confident with it at first but had to re-do it three times, so now im a little weary about the next three!

  24. The most challenging assignment so far for me has been the NETS Narrative, because I like to fluff, and the PLN assignment because there were so many steps needed to complete the assignment. Also, I had read about PLN's, but I still wasn't too sure what they were all about or how to benefit from them. After the assignment on PLN's all my questions/concerns were answered.

  25. NETs narrative was my most challenging assignment because I wasn't sure what to write:(

  26. My Nets-T narrative has been the hardest assignment for me so far. I like to write alot to explain myself and it was hard for me to simplify and be concise in my paragraph.

  27. The PLN assignment was the most difficult because there were many aspects to it and I had to learn so many new things. It was a big challenge to figure out which chat to do too.

  28. The PLN assignment has been the hardest for me so far because of all the steps that it involved. Twitter and Diigo have been confusing for me to grasp and I still have a little trouble with them but am slowly getting better.

  29. The journal articles and the PLN assignments were pretty difficult in my opinion but writing the NETS narrative, although it ends up only being a few paragraphs, was the most difficult in my opinion. The writing and revising and still not knowing if it is up to par is challenging.

  30. I think the NETS-S narrative has been the most difficult. Just because, we had to write in a different way then we are used to and actually think about the structure of the sentences.

  31. I think the Prezi assignment because it was something new for me and got frustrated a lot with it. I also have to say the Journals because they take a long time to be done, and procrastination does not help.

  32. I think the toughest assignment had to have been the PLN. It took alot of time to complete. The Excel Crossword Puzzle was fun but definitely frustrating going back and forth listening to the video and then making my own. The NETS-S was the toughest task to get done but was done the fastest. I just dont like doing time consuming assignments.

  33. The most challenging assignment for me thus far has been just about everything :) Everything in this class has been new to me, so most things have been a challenge to just grasp the concepts. But fortunately I am understanding how to use all the applications and am learning a lot. The journals are really the assignment that haunts me, they are tedious...

  34. The most challenging assignment thus far has been the PLN. Mainly because of the twitter chat which took me a little too long to fully figure out lol...

  35. The most challenging assignment for me was creating the PLN. It had a lot of steps on it and involved a lot of different tools.

  36. The toughest assignment is the PLN, I'm still working on it :-). It didn't come as natural and easy as the other ones did.

  37. The most challenging was Diigo, because the social bookmarking was all new to me, and it was very time consuming.

  38. The most challenging assignment so far was Prezi because I completed the assignment on my laptop- without a mouse. It was a mess! I was very frustrated with the program because of that, but I am sure I gave it another chance (with a mouse) it would be a little easier.

  39. The most challenging assignment for me was the tech self assessment because my computer at home was going crazy and not letting me copy the results the way I wanted. It took forever!!!!

  40. For whatever reason, the NETS narrative assignment was the hardest for me. I'm not sure why, but it took me FOREVER to actually figure out what we were doing and how I wanted to get my point across. Brain fluff, perhaps.

  41. I would have to say that it was the NETS narrative assignment. It took me about four revisions to finally get it right. It wasn't my favorite assignment. haha

  42. Personally, the PLN was the toughest assignment. It wasn't technically difficult, but extremely tedious. There was so many small steps and it was very time consuming.

  43. The PLN assignment. It was not difficult from any standpoint but due to the amount of steps remains the most time consuming.

  44. I think the PLN assignment was the toughest for me, not because it was hard to accomplish but because it was time consuming do to all the steps.

  45. My most challenging assignment was the cyber-safety assihnment. I thought the google sites page wasnt user friendly

  46. The PLN assignment was definitely the most difficult for me. I don't even have a Facebook, so getting a Twitter account was a big deal for me. It definitely took some getting use to.

  47. Replying to these posts! I hardly even keep up with my facebook. I enjoyed the other assignments because they allowed me to learn and apply something new. What I did enjoy is adding links to images.
