Monday, February 28, 2011

Week 6: Don't Swim Without NETS!
Assuming you can swim, stepping into TaskStream wasn't so bad, was it?  Writing your narratives should be a smoother process with all of the support you are going to receive from your peers and me.  I expect that you have started writing your narrative for your artifact and in class this week, we can discuss how to focus your writing to meet the standard.  If you do not come to class with your paragraph in rough draft form, you will be behind, as we have a lot to cover this week.

Assignments: the Technology Self-Assessment was due Sunday, Diigo is due Wed, and the Journals 1-5 are due Friday. . .Do not forget that journal 5 is extra credit.  If you decide to complete it, it MUST be submitted on time or you will not receive credit.  If you need help with anything, come to class early for the Monday section; make arrangements to meet me in another lab for the Thursday section (there are open labs in the same ACD hallway).

This Week:  We will go over the TaskStream collaborative narratives and ensure you are comfortable using GoogleDocs.  Then, we will discuss the presentation assignment!  I expect that all my PowerPoint users will be excited to learn some new web 2.0 tools.  If time permits, I will also show you how to embed your newsletters in your blog!!

Journal 6-10:  You have a week off from journals. . .I will give you journal 6 next week. . .Yeah!

This Week's Question: What is something you have learned well without formal teaching?  How did you learn it?  This could be a sport, hobby, musical instrument, etc. .

Monday, February 21, 2011

Week 5: Entering the TaskStream of Consciousness

Nourished by Arie Stavchansky
Wherever we go, here we are.  We have completed 1/3 = .333 = 33% of the course,  so everyone is officially 33% technology nerd, right?  I hope so.  I will be handing out tape for those of you with glasses, but only enough for one side. . .the rest will be distributed week 10.  Also, you can now officially wear white socks and hike up your pants one inch. . .of course, you are not ready for your pocket protectors. . .yet ;-)

This week:  We will look at TaskStream this evening and discuss how to request feedback and write your narratives.  We will also begin writing the NETS-T narratives for standard 1 using Google Docs.  If you have not already enrolled  in the CSUSM Local TPE in TaskStream (as was mentioned in week 1), here is the code:  
Local TPE: 6SG3BA
I will also revisit the assignments from last week to ensure you understand what to do and discuss Dropbox with the Monday class.  If you haven't joined dropbox, click here, and register.  You cannot download Dropbox at school, but you can use the web-based aspect.  You can download the program at home.

Journal 4: "It's Time to Trust Teachers with the Internet," by Dian Schaffhause from The Journal website.  It's actually an interview from an online newsletter, but it was an interesting topic that is important for today's schools.  Using Citation Machine site as a webpage, not an Internet publication.

Journal 5:  As this is extra credit, and a new L&L should come out early next week, you can choose any article from the March 2011 L&L.  I assume you should have access to the digital edition early next week.  All journals are due March 4.

This Week's Question:  What should every teacher know about you?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Week 4: Oh, That's Going to Leave a bookMark!

Okay, the Grammy's are over and now we can all go back to our regularly scheduled lives ;-)  If you missed the show, you can of course re-live all the poignant moments over and over again on the Internet. This week we are going to continue to work on ways to network our digital selves while getting our tech on.  By now, you should have a number of assignments that are in progress, and I will add a few more to your queue.

This Week: I'll answer any individual questions about the newsletter as class begins. Then we are going to look at School 2.0, a site where you will tech a technology self-assessment that relates your tech schools to the NETS-T.  Although most of you aren't in the classroom, you will get a feel for what skills you should possess when you get your own.  The fun part is when we take a look at Diigo, a social bookmarking site on steroids. . .I used to use another social bookmarking site called, but I am now a Diigo convert.  I will show you how easy it is to collect and save cool sites and information form the Internet.  Also, I want to discuss the power of Dropbox and how you can use it to save all of your files.

Please complete the following TaskStream Survey:  Click Here

Journal 3:  In honor of Valentine's Day (or week for my Thursday class), I want you to compose a list of 100 things that make you happy.  I want them numbered and of course there is no APA citation needed.  When you feel stressed out around Spring Break, you can refer back to your list to re-ground yourself ;-)

This Week's Question: What is the last good book your read. . .it could have been for please or something assigned to you for a class?   
Disrupting Class was the last good professional book I read and I'l say DropCity by T.C. Boyle was the last good book I read for pleasure.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Week 3: Would You Be My Tweet-Heart?

twitter_Good_Badphoto © 2009 Rosaura Ochoa | more info (via: Wylio)
As we embark on week three, you should begin to get a better feel for the flow of the course.  My expectation is that you will not only become a proficient tech user, but you will have fun in the process as well.  If you are not having fun, I am not doing my job--or you have a terminal case of the Mondays ;-)

This Week:  You should have either already scanned your self-portrait or you will do so before class.  We will begin the classroom newsletter assignment, which will include your digitally scanned self-portrait.   As you may or may not get from the title, I will also be introducing you to the amazing uses of Twitter as an educational tool. Don't laugh. . .hold your judgment until after class.  If time permits, I will have you enroll yourself into TaskStream and show you the interface  

Journal 2: Is from the June/July 2010 Issue of L&L.  There are actually 2 short articles relating to Twitter.  "Join the Flock!" by Hadley Ferguson and "Enhance Your Twitter Experience," by Shannon McClintock Miller.  Hopefully, after our Twitter discussion this week, these should serve as some background and depth on the topic of Twitter in education.

This Week's Question:  Who has been your favorite (or A favorite for those overly stressed out by the perceived commitment required to answer the question) teacher at any level of education and why?